Disability History
For too long the historic preservation movement has neglected the histories of marginalized communities and has failed to include cultural resources associated with them in the National Register of Historic Places. Through a CLG grant funded project in 2024 the City of Seattle completed the first study in Washington State to begin to address this issue.
The Context Study includes brief profiles of community organizations, key activists, and significant moments in the civil rights and social justice movements within the larger narrative of disability activism. Four major themes in Seattle’s history of disability activism were assessed: 1) The Rise of State Institutions for People with Disabilities; 2) The Rise of Disability Activism in the Progressive Era; 3): Civil Rights Era of Disability Activism; and 4) Activism in the Disability Justice Movement. The themes follow a rough chronological order, but the developments they encompass often extend to subsequent periods. Following the theme study, the consultants made recommendations for future action to conserve, interpret, and commemorate properties associated with the history of disability activism. The report also includes a list of resources, relevant properties, and provisions for future reader comments.