DAHP in the time of COVID 19
Most, if not all of us are facing uncertainty and disruption in our lives as a result of COVID 19, and this includes the operations of the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). Given the high level of uncertainty, DAHP wants to communicate to you that until directed otherwise by Governor Inslee, the Department continues to work during regularly scheduled hours to fulfill our mission to protect cultural resources and our responsibility to fulfill state and federal cultural resource statutes and programs.
That said, DAHP's Director Allyson Brooks is implementing agency policy to respond to the emergency. In essence, that means that we intend to maintain our operations as close to normal as possible; but please be aware that DAHP staff, like everyone else, is having to address personal and family issues that may pose a challenge to maintaining normal operations. To help address this, all staff now have in-place teleworking agreements allowing each of us to work from home with full access to project files, email, and WISAARD. Staff will also be reachable by their mobile work phones and/or call forwarding from our desk phones. Go to: https://dahp.wa.gov/about-us/staff-directory for a complete listing of staff and contact information.
However, please be aware that staff may not always be available during their regularly scheduled work hours because of their own health issues or disruption in routines arising from the emergency. We will be changing our email and voicemail messages that reflect any changes in our personal work schedules and re-direct calls to our main phone line: 360-586-3065.
WISAARD of course will still be up and accesible including the public side and the "protected" data layers accessble if you are an authorized user. While the recently launched revamped WISAARD has been experiencing "bumps" thanks to the hard work of Morgan, Kim, and Annie, the trend seems to now be on a downward track and our consultant continues to work through and resolve problems. As at present, if you are experiencing problems with WISAARD, continue emailing Morgan, Kim, or Annie with the problem you are experiencing; they in turn will log and relay those issues to the consultant.
A similar comment is made regarding public records requests. As usual, to make a records request, send an email to: recordrequest@dahp.wa.gov. Our records staff Jamie Ferris and Annie Strader will continue to fulfill requests as they are received. Be aware if their hours are reduced they may not be responding to you as speedily as they typically do, but as fast as they are able under the circumstances.
Mention will also be made about upcoming DAHP Academy sessions already scheduled for March 31st and April 2nd in Lacey, and April 16th in Spokane. Unfortunately DAHP is cancelling all three sessions but will re-schedule at a later date.
It is also disappointing, but necessary to cancel the upcoming Revitalize WA conference in Wenatchee scheduled for April 6-8. DAHP and our Main Street program staff are already working to re-schedule the conference.
During this time of uncertainty we encourage you to watch for updates on DAHP's Facebook page and this blog or contacting us directly via email or telephone.
In the meantime of course, we wish you, your family, and friends all the best and look forward to continue working with you to honor and protect Washington heritage.