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Home » MAY 1, 2020: DAHP Updates

MAY 1, 2020: DAHP Updates

Yes! We made to May and Washington Historic Preservation Month! A few updates about what is going-on at DAHP:

First, Governor Inslee has announced his decision to extend the "Stay Home/Stay Healthy" COVID protection order from May 4th to May 31st. The announcement included a 4-phased approach to dialing back restrictions on businesses, recreation, and public interactions. For more information and resources about the State's emergency response go to:

For DAHP, this means that all staff will continue teleworking from home until May 31st. DAHP's Records Manager Jamie Dudman reports that the agency has responded to 1543 project reviews over the course of the past 7 weeks of working from home, with big thanks to VPN-ing and WISAARD. All of us remain accessible by email and mobile phone. For staff directory with contact information go to:

Although COVID has subdued Historic Preservation Month celebration in 2020, DAHP's Architectural Historian Michael Houser has come to the rescue by creating our "Get Your Groove On! The 1970s Turn Fifty" Historic Preservation Month poster, available for viewing and downloading at DAHP's website, Facebook or Instagram. DAHP intends to print and distribute full-size copies of the poster once staff is able to return to work in our Olympia office space.

"But wait...there's more..." Michael has also cooked up daily postings that celebrate the architecture, culture, and fads from the groovy '70s. So, tune-in and turn-on to the DAHP website, FB page, or Instagram every week day throughout May to catch Michael's take on the now historic 1970s. 

May, as Historic Preservation Month, is usually when State Historic Preservation Officer Allyson Brooks announces and honors recipients of the SHPO's Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Historic Preservation. Unfortunately and because of the pandemic, announcement and presenting of the awards has been postponed to later this year at a date and place yet to be determined. It is still our intent to recognize and celebrate the great work being done in Washington to preserve cultural resources. 

Finally, we want to give special recognition to DAHP's Main Street Program and the state's 33 local Main Street organizations for the amazing work they are doing to assist our historic downtown business and property owners to make it through the COVID emergency. Breanne Durham and Jonelle McCoy have been tireless in working with the local Main Street program managers with the latest news in federal and state assistance; tracking trends and data; and sharing innovative ways to stay in business during the crisis. 

Thank you Breanne, Jonelle, and all Main Street Managers for the work you are doing to keep our historic downtowns the vibrant places that people want to live, work, and enjoy.