Section 106 training and DAHP Academy Videos!
We have two important things to share: Our DAHP Academy You Tube Playlist is up and running and the ACHP has announced a free Stay at Home Section 106 webinar series. Here are all the details!
DAHP Academy Webinars
Thanks to our wonderful training coordinator, Holly, and our wonderful, knowledgeable staff, we now have a nice collection of webinars covering topics from archaeological excavation permits to filling out a historic property inventory form. You can find them on our website, just search for DAHP Academy, or on our You Tube channel under the DAHP Academy Playlist.
We also have the Seismic Retrofit of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings webinar series on the You Tube Channel. Everything you ever wanted to know about seismic upgrades to historic buildings and some very cool case studies.
ACHP Section 106 Training
And while that Section 106 training that often happens in Hawaii looks pretty good right now, sadly we are still all stuck at home. Here is the description of the ACHP's upcoming webinar series (which costs way less than going to Hawaii). Please note these are in Eastern time.
ACHP is pleased to announce that we are continuing our very popular Stay-at-Home May 2020 Section 106 Webinar Series, the ACHP will present another FREE series of LIVE Section 106 webinars in January 2021. Each one-hour webinar includes opportunities for participants to interact with the content, instructors, and others in the Zoomgov meeting (a FedRamp compliant application). Each webinar assumes that participants have some knowledge of the Section 106 review process, implementing regulations, and terms of art. If you participated in the ACHP's May 2020 Webinar Series or have completed our Section 106 Essentials classroom course, you are ready for the Winter 2021 Webinar Series:
- Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern time: Archaeological Sites and Section 106: A Discussion on Identification and Evaluation
- Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern time: Meeting the Reasonable and Good Faith Identification Standard in Section 106 Review
- Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern time: Managing Confidential Information and Section 304
- Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern time: Resolving Disputes in Section 106
Find out more and register for one or all four of the webinars at
This will be the last LIVE presentation of several of these topics. We will transition the popular content to our eLearning portal in 2021. We are also developing NEW webinar topics and planning a series in May 2021. To defray development costs, a $50/webinar registration fee is planned. Look for more information about the Spring 2021 Webinar Series soon.
And don't forget, the ACHP has seven courses available for FREE on the eLearning portal. Go to to learn how to access the eLearning courses. Or, if you've already created an account, go directly to to begin learning today!
The ACHP is always working to improve its Section 106 training offerings. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to