Experience History
"The Heritage of the Past is the Seed that Brings Forth the Harvest of the Future"
- Wendell Phillips
You can get involved with history in many ways:
- Join a Heritage Organization - Locate and become involved with other organizations in Washington.
- Visit Historic Places - Washington State offers a wealth of historical and architectural attractions, from the iconic mid-centry modernism of the Space Needle, to the maritime Victorian splendor of Port Townsend. Dozens of beautiful and historic lighthouses grace Washington’s coastal perimeter, from Cape Flattery at the far northwest corner of the state (and of the continental U.S.) to Cape Disappointment at the mouth of the Columbia River to the Strait of Juan de Fuca (which delineates part of the state’s northern border), and all around Puget Sound.
- Help Preserve History - The Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation is here to help you with preserving your historic structure or archaeological site. As such, we offers the following links, brochures and articles about the most frequently asked topics relating to the preservation of historic sites and structures. These links are distributed for the convenience of property owners, planners, and others who wish to learn more about the preservation of historic resources.
DAHP Public Service Announcements
For the 2011 celebration of Preservation Month, the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation produced two short 60 second public service announcments.