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Project Review - Historic Buildings

For more information contact:

Maureen Elenga
Architectural Historian, Transportation Projects
(360) 972-4539


Maddie Levesque
Architectural Historian, General Compliance
(360) 819-7203

For Federal and State projects

Rainbow Falls State Park Picnic Shelter, Lewis Co. - c.1934

Federal law requires every federal agency and/or any agency using federal funds, take into account how its projects and expenditures will affect historic properties.  In most cases compliance requires the hiring of a professional who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards.  The department has developed a set of guidelines, the Washington State Standards for Cultural Resource Reporting, which outlines how to conduct the historic building survey and the inventory process.  The guide is intended to explain survey standards and expectations and provides direction for professionals preparing and submitting Historic Property Inventory Forms and the survey reports that accompany them.  Be aware that these guidelines do not set or interpret any policies, regulations, or permit requirements of any other public agency.  For survey projects tied to federal, state, or local laws, these guidelines provide only technical information about the survey and inventory process and completion of related reports.

For specific information about various Federal and State programs and how to comply with their regulations relating to historic preservation see left side bar.

What to send to the SHPO:

  • A CR Report Cover Sheet
  • A letter and map (showing project area) asking for the SHPO to concur with the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the project/undertaking.
  • A letter (PDF) asking for the SHPO to concur with the federal agency's determinations of Eligibility and/or Effect.  The agency should make its own determinations and not ask the SHPO to make the initial evaluation.
  • A Cultural Resource Survey Report - Submit through Wisaard
  • Historic Property Inventory Forms developed using Wisaard.

Where do I send correspondence? 

Compliance Documents


