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DAHP Academy

The Washington State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is pleased to offer training through DAHP Academy, our in-house education program for both professionals and the general public.  At the training, our staff of professionals with expertise in archaeology, architectural history, preservation techniques and history, will focus on specific issues relating to historic preservation and the office’s various programs. While each session will focus on a particular topic in which staff will go into depth, you will also hear about the latest preservation news and learn about new office policies toward protecting Washington rich cultural resources.

Training Topics May include:

National Register of Historic Places Tax Credits

Archaological Surveys

Section 106 SEPA Historic Resource Survey
Architectural Styles Secretary of The Interior Standards Statewide Preservation Plan
Maintenance of Historic Buildings Ceritified Local Government Basics Historic Preservation 101 for Realtors
Certified Local Government Grants Conducting Research of Historic Places SEPA - Forest Practices Act
Local Designation & Regulations Preservation Plans  



Archaeological Reporting: 

If you are working with archaeoloigical resources, join DAHP staff for a lively discussion about how to consult with the SHPO while preparing documents, permits and reports for various state and federal projects. Topics include: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and 36 CFR 800; Governor’s Executive Order 05-05; State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Shoreline Management Act (SMA); How to work with local governments; what to do if you find human remains; and overview of Archaeological Laws and Permitting; and specific details about Archaeological Reporting.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act

Governor's Executive Order 05-05

SEPA, Shoreline Management, and Working with Local Governments

Washington State Excavation Permits

What to do when you find Human Remains

Historic Property - Inventory, Evaluation & Consultation

Topics to be discussed include: How to Complete a Historic Property Inventory Form; How to Evaluate Built Environment Resources for the National Register; and How to Consult with DAHP

The topics will primarily center around HPIs that are reviewed under a regulatory process (Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Governor’s Executive Order 05-05, and SEPA). If you complete HPIs for Section 106, Governor’s Executive Order 05-05, or SEPA projects, or work for a lead agency that has submitted HPIs for DAHP review, this is a great opportunity for us all to meet and discuss expectations and the processes overall. Please be aware that this session is not relevant for EZ-2 users.

This training was presented as a webinar on June 9, 2020. 

Consulting with DAHP (Section 106, 05-05, and SEPA)

HPI and YOU (How to Complete a Historic Property Inventory Form)

Making the Case for Significance (How to Evaluate Historic Resources for the NRHP)

Future Sessions - (Tenative dates)

Architectural Styles - online - Winter 2021.

Past Workshop Presentations

Historic Property Inventory Workshops (Powerpoint slides)