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Seattle, Washington:  The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is seeking nominations to its 2015 Most Endangered Historic Properties List. Nomination forms may be obtained through the Trust’s website at Washingtonians enjoy a diverse collection of historic and cultural resources found throughout the state. Historic buildings and sites significantly contribute to the heritage and vitality of Washington while... more
The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) is pleased to announce that Jennifer Haegele of Spokane is the State Historic Preservation Officer’s (SHPO) most recent Washington Preservation Hero.  On occasion, the SHPO confers a Preservation Hero recognition on individuals or organizations that dedicate their time and resources to help protect and preserve the state’s heritage. Since 2012, Jennifer Haegele has played an extraordinary administrative support role for the City... more
Meldora Stritesky from Spokane holds the distinction of being the first formally trained female architect to practice in the State of Washington.  In fact, she ranks among the earliest females in the United States to have received a bachelor’s degree in architecture.  Stritesky received her degree from the University of Illinois in 1897.... more
The City of Seattle intends to select a qualified consultant or consultant team to prepare a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) – Multiple Property Documentation (MPD) for Seattle’s Olmsted-designed Park and Boulevard System and associated NRHP registration forms for selected segments or components of Lake Washington Boulevard and adjacent public parks. ... more
rotating_banner_maritime_swing (2) The public is invited to Maritime Heritage Swing presented by The Landmarks Preservation Commission and the City of Tacoma's Planning and Development Services Department’s Historic Preservation Office on Friday, Dec. 5,... more
The Pacific Northwest Archaeological Society (PNWAS) is hosting a lecture exploring the ongoing mystery of the whereabouts of the anchor of the HMS Chatham lost during Captain George Vancouver's exploration of northwest waters in 1792. The recent recovery of an anchor off Whidbey Island has fueled debate and curiosity. To learn more about the recent discovery join a talk this Friday, November 14th from 7pm to 9Pm at the Mountaineers Seattle Program Center at 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle... more
The WWII Era Cottage resembles the Workingman’s Foursquare of the proceeding decade but utilized the latest advancements in spatial planning and building materials. The style serves as a transitional style bridging the gap between the Revival movement of the 1920s and the modern period leading up to and proceeding WWII. Universal Small Homes Catalogue - 1941After WWII, with the peacetime economy... more
Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) Allyson Brooks and Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) staff extend a warm welcome to Kim Gant as our newest staff member. Kim has assumed the position of the department's Local... more
The city of Port Townsend and the Northwest Chapter of the Victorian Society in America invite you to celebrate the Holiday season.  Starting November 29th, walk the streets of one of only three Victorian seaports in the US with beautifully preserved 19th Century architecture set off with carolers, trees, and lights.  Each Saturday through December 20th four inns and B... more
Enjoy the mystery and pageantry as the Combined Fund Drive partners with the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation to bring you the 3rd Annual CFD Masquerade Ball on Saturday, October 18th in the Legislative Building in Olympia. masquerade ball
The Washington State Department of Commerce has announced that application materials for the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) are now available. The Planning-Only Grants support eligible small communities and rural counties in Washington in attaining the planning tools necessary to implement priority projects that principally benefit low and moderate income persons. $400,000 is available in 2014 with maximum grants of $24,000 for a single jurisdiction and $40,000 for multiple... more
The Lakewood and Tacoma Historical Societies are "joining forces" to commemorate the World War I centennial and the fascinating role citizens of Pierce County played in establishing Camp Lewis in 1917. Renamed Fort Lewis in 1927 and transformed into Joint Base Lewis-McChord in 2010, the post has a rich heritage that will be showcased on Sunday, October 19 at the American Lake Conference Center at 8085 NCO Beach Road at JBLM. The event will feature entertainment, exhibits, food, and speakers... more

RangerRickMcClureAfter 34 years with the U.S. Forest Service Gifford Pinchot National Forest, long time Archaeologist Rick McClure is retiring. Fellow archaeologist and spouse Cheryl Mack is joining with friends and Forest Service colleagues to host a celebration on Saturday, September 20th at 5:00 pm at the Trout... more


The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is looking to fill two part time jobs: an Assistant Main Street Coordinator and a part-time Membership...


The final touches have been made to the Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historian's 2014 conference program.  For program and registration information, go to the SAH MDR website: more
SAVE THE DATE:  Consultant’s Training in Southwest Washington DAHP staff will be in Vancouver, Washington on Thursday, September 25th – at the Pearson Air Museum! The purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance to our consultants on:
  • DAHP survey and inventory expectations,
  • site types, and the professional qualifications for recording sites
  • changes to state law regarding Cultural Resources and the protection of graves;
  • and to provide...
This is a permanent half?time position to provide strategic guidance to the Division Director on educational, interpretive, and planning work for City Light projects that involve significant historic or cultural resources and compliance responsibilities. One of the first responsibilities of this position will be to lead efforts related to the restoration and use of the Georgetown Steam Plant which is on the National Register of Historic Places and is also a National Historic Landmark. This work... more

Washington Trust for Historic Preservation Announces 2015 Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund Grant Program

The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation has announced that grant applications for the 2015 Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund are being accepted. The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, October 6, 2014. Established in 1997, the program has awarded grants to 104 projects totaling over $96,000 in funding to local historic... more


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