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Preservationists in the South Puget Sound region will be interested in learning that the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be hosting an open house and meeting to discuss the future of the Woodard Bay Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA) on Wednesday, September 15th from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Woodard Bay NRCA is also known as the Weyerhaeuser South Bay Log Dump Rural Historic Landscape that is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This... more
The federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) has announced an update of its popular brochure Protecting Historic Properties: A Citizens Guide to Section 106 Review. The publication can be downloaded as a pdf document here Or additional printed copies can be ordered directly from the ACHP for the cost of shipping and handling. To order, contact Denise Stanley at (202) 606-8503 or... more
Urban historians, historic preservationists, and architectural historians will not want to miss the upcoming documentary Make No Little Plans: Daniel Burnham and the American City. The special program will be aired on Channels 9 in western Washington and 47 in the Yakima Valley on Monday night September 6 at 11:00 p.m. It will also be re-broadcasted early Friday morning, September 10th at 4:00 a.m. and is licensed to be broadcast by PBS stations for 3 years.... more
The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) is working with University of Washington Architecture Professor Kathryn Merlino on a study demonstrating the linkage between historic preservation rehabilitation and sustainability. The impetus for this study was articulated in the 2009-2013 state historic preservation plan Sustaining Communities through Historic Preservation. At this point in the study's development, we are looking for examples of... more
Please join us Saturday for a special event to commemorate the passage of the 19th to the United States Constitution, which enabled women’s full voting rights nationally in 1920.  This program is part of the overall celebration of Washington’s Women’s Suffrage centennial. Programs, family activities, presentations and dramatic re-enactments and refreshments.  Guests are welcome and encouraged to wear period dress to celebrate this historic event as part of the 100th... more
Thursday, September 9,  6:30 p.m. Snohomish County Campus 3000 Rockefeller Ave. in downtown Everett   First floor public meeting room RSVP at... more
It’s Bungalow Fair Time Again  The wait is almost over. Historic Seattle’s 13th Annual Bungalow Fair and outstanding Arts... more
Date: September 15-16, 2010
Where: Portland, OR
The Bainbridge Is. Metro Park...
The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is currently developing an update to its Cultural Resource Management Policy. The main focus of the update is to include a new Collections Management section to guide the long-range stewardship and use of a wide range of artifacts and historic documents within the Agency’s care.  Minor revisions to current policies related to the disciplines of Historic Preservation and Archaeology are also included. We are currently seeking  public input in... more
EFFECTIVE AUGUST 9, 2010 Cultural Resource Report and Site Form Change As of August 9, 2010 if a PDF file is submitted, DAHP no longer requires paper copies of cultural resource reports (surveys, management plans, monitoring reports, data recovery reports, letter reports, etc.) or site forms.  Please note:
  • Cultural resource reports must be a single PDF containing the cover sheet, figures, graphics, appendices, attachments,...
From the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission site: After more than 50 years, Kiket Island has been returned to the Swinomish Tribe, thanks to a partnership between the tribe and the state Parks and Recreation Commission. The small island in Similk Bay is within the boundaries of the Swinomish reservation. It was was... more
In 2010, the National Park Service celebrates the eleventh anniversary of the National Historic Landmark Photo Contest. The past decade has brought them over 1,000 incredible images from almost every state in the union. These images were submitted by people from all walks of life who care for and cherish these special places that represent our American story. Many images were submitted by owners or caretakers. Many others were submitted by visitors, both from the United States and abroad. The... more
DAHP and the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation are pleased to announce the hiring of our new Washington State Main Street Coordinator.  The Trust received nearly 40 letters of interest and resumes from highly qualified candidates from across the Country, and we are thrilled to have found Sarah Hansen, who we believe is the perfect fit for this position, right here in Washington State.    Sarah has a solid foundation and experience in community revitalization, the Main Street Four-... more
[slideshow]   Our thanks go to Jesse Kennedy, Cultural Resources Manager for the North Cascades National Park Service Complex for sending us these photos of the Rainbow Bridge Fire still raging above the Stehekin Valley in the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. One photos shows how close the fire came to the National Register of Historic Places listed Stehekin School; a temporary... more


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