Nifty from the Last 50 Initiative
Launched at the 2003 State Historic Preservation Awards, the “Nifty from the Last 50 Initiative” is the state’s first official effort to recognize and record Washington’s post WWII or "Mid-Century Modern" resources. The project was a joint effort by the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation and DOCOMOMO_WeWa. While the Initiative was originally a focused two year effort, DAHP is still accepting survey forms.
To date, over 350 mid-century modern properties have been recorded all over the state. They include such buildings as a group of playful ecclesiastical structures designed by the Spokane architectural firm of Funk, Murray & Johnson in the 1960s.
The survey has also uncovered a group of buildings designed for Seattle First National Bank. The collection of buildings are representative of an early version of corporate identity, using cutting edge marketing philosophies such as “Product-Place-and Packaging”. Seattle architect J. Lister Holmes designed the first/model bank for Seattle First National. Other architects would then take this standard design and adjust it to the local conditions. And today versions of the bank can be found all over the state.
Over the last five years, several post WWII properties have been listed on the National Register. They include the 1950 Gaffney’s Lake Wilderness Lodge in Maple Valley, the Kenneth & Enda Brooks House in Spokane completed in 1956, the James Chiarelli House in Seattle, and the Curran House in University Place. The Brooks, Chiarelli and Curran House were the first post WWII properties to be listed on the National Register their respective cities. Other nominations of buildings from the recent past are in progress of being completed. To download a copy of these nominations use our on-line database WISAARD.
Still the number of Post WII resources listed on the National Register is woefully under-represented when compared to other resources that have been listed on the register. Washington State has yet to list a post WWII subdivision, nor recognize the many groundbreaking modern dwellings in the Pacific Northwest which were featured in national magazines such as Sunset, Better Homes & Gardens, and Architectural Record.
- Claremont Neighborhood, Everett Study - 2014
- Expo '74 Spokane Survey
- Tacoma West Slope Survey Report
- Century 21 Expo / Seattle Center - Historic Landmark Study
- Seattle Public Schools 1945-1965
- Olympia Modernism Context Study
- City of Olympia Mid-Century Residential Survey Report
- Clark County Mid-Century Development Context Statement
- Post WWII listings on State and NR report
- Lake Hills Neighborhood "Not Just Old, But Significant : A Survey of Mid 20th Century Modern Architecture" - UW Urban Design & Planning Project - Dec. 2013
- Lake Hills Neighborhood Models - UW Urban Design & Planning Project - Feb 2014
- Lake Hills Neighborhood - Period newspaper Clippings: 1955-1968
- Evergreen State College Survey - 2016
- City of Spokane Mid-20th Century Survey - 2017
- Mid Century King County: Context Statement on Post War Residential Development - 2017
- City of Kirkland Historic Resource Survey: 1945-1965 Residences - 2016
- Oak Park Survey - City of Lakewood - 2019
- Mid Century Modern Context for Clark County - 2021
- WA State Parks Architecture: 1943-1965
- WA State Parks Architecture: 1943-1985
- WA State Modern Commercial Architecture: 1930-1975
Seattle Area Parade of Homes Project
- Seattle Area Parade of Homes Report
- Seattle Area Parade of Homes Spreadsheets
- 1949 Parade of Homes Program
- 1950 Parade of Homes Program
- 1951 Parade of Homes Program
- 1952 Parade of Homes Program
- 1954 Parade of Homes Program
- 1955 Parade of Homes Program
- 1956 Parade of Homes Program
- 1957 Parade of Homes Program
- 1958 Parade of Homes Program
- 1959 Parade of Homes Program
- 1960 Parade of Homes Program
Guidelines & Lists
- NR Bulletin - Evaluating Resources that Have Achived Significance within the Past 50 Years
- Mid-20th Century Storefronts - Components Guide
- Olympia Modernism - A Self-Guided Tour of Mid-Century Buildings
- Spokane Architects of the 1950s & 1960s (Excel Spreadsheet)
- Spokane Post WWII Building List (Excel Spreadsheet)
- A Model for Identifying & Evaluating the Historic Significance of Post WWII Housing - National Cooperative Highway Research Program
- Recent Past Bibliographic Resource Guide - 2007
- Mid-Century Houses of Note on Mercer Island
- Nifty from the Last 50 - list of projects by Architect
- Mid Century Modern Architecture in WA State Guide (PowerPointPresentation)
- Mid Century Storefronts: The Main Street of Tomorrow: 1930 to 1970 (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Spokane Modernism - Spokane at the Leading Edge (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Mid-Century Design on Mercer Island (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Olympia Post WWII Architecture (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Mid-Century Marvels: Everett (PowerPoint Presentation)
- The 1970s turn 50 - Post WWII Design (PowerPoint Presentation)
- AIA | Seattle Times "Home of the Month Program" (Power Point Presentation)
Post WWII Period Publications
- Principles of Planning Small Houses: Federal Housing Administration (1940)
- Puget Sound Region War & Post War Development (1943)
- Vancouver's Plan for War Housing Projects (1945)
- A Tale of 6 Cities: The Annual Report of the Housing Authority of Vancouver (1944)
- USFS Operation Outdoors (1957)
- A Tale of 6 Cities: And How they became a Permanent Part of Vancouver (1960)
- Catalogue of House Building Construction Systems (1960)
- How to Build Well and Save Money (1948)
- Douglas Fir use Book: Structural Data - Hyperbolic-Paraboloid Shells (1960)
- Plywood Handbook of Residential Construction (1945)
- Precast Concrete Cladding - Built Environment (1973)
- Precast Concrete Cladding Components - Official Architecture & Planning (1967)
- Solar Houses: An Architectural Lift in Living (1945)
- Window Frames of Aluminum - Fentron Industries (1957)
Home Plans
- Pacific Northwest Book of Homes, (1947)
- Pacific Northwest Book of Homes, Vol 2 No. 1 (1949)
- A Quality Home Can Cost Less (1949)
- Conversions of Large Single-Family Dwellings to Multiple-Family Dwellings - by the American Society of Planning Officials (1949)
- Split Levels on Parade - American Builder: Oct 1953
- Universal Small Homes: Book 16. Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR. 1941.
- Universal Small Homes: Book 17.Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR. 1942.
- Universal Small Homes: Book 18. Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR, c. 1943
- Universal Small Homes: Book 19. Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR, c. 1945
- Universal Small Homes: Book 21. Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR. 1950
- Universal Small Homes: Book 22. Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR. 1952.
- Universal Small Homes: Book 23. Universal Plan Service, Portland, OR. 1952.
- Universal Plan Service; Modern Homes Built Better with Block: Book 24. Portland, OR. 1960
- 44 Up to Date House Designs . Authentic Publications Inc. New York, NY, 1950.
- Helping Today's Home Buildrs Get Their Money's Worth - Weyerhaeuser 4-Square (1947)
- Architectural Skill: Designs for Greater Value - Weyerhaeuser 4-Square (1949)
- Masterpieces of Professional Planning: Weyerhaeuser 4-Square Home Building Service (1953)
- Emblem Homes - Douglas Fir Plywood Assoc (1958)
- House Beautiful "Pace Setter House" - Douglas Fire Plywood Assoc (1951)
- Modern Living Homes - National Plan Service (1948)
- National Economy Homes - National Plan Service (1949)
- Modern Ranch Homes - National Plan Service (1951)
- Prelude to Happiness - National Plan Service (1954)
- New Modern Ranch - National Plan Service (1956)
- Multi-Level Homes - National Plan Service (1961)
- Schroeder Homes Catalogue - Seattle/Bellevue (c.1955)
- Home Book of Greater Seattle (1960)
- Designs for Low-Cost Wood Homes "Round House" - USDA (1969)
- "The Dog Likes it Fine" A-Frame Style Doghouse - Sunset Mag. February 1959
- 1954 Spokane Home Show "Futura" Model Home
Vacation Cabins
- Olympic Chal-a Cabins (1967)
- Gracious Outdoor Living - Vacation Homes by Weyerhaeuser (1958)
- Second Homes for Leisure Living - DFPA (1960)
- Year Round Vacation Home Plans - A Frame (1969)
- Why the Big Boom in A-Frames? Popular Mechanix (1961)
- Modern Commerical Buildings and Why Architects Specified west Coast Lumber (c.1955)
- Doctors' Offices & Clinics by Paul Hayden Kirk (1955)
- PPG Products - Spandrelite Glass (1955)
- "What Makes a 1940 Store Obsolete?" - Architectural Forum, July 1950
- Modern Wood Fences (1958)
- "Tour De Force: Here are 17 Diffent Ways to use Plywood in a Fence" - Sunset Mag. February 1959
- How to Build Fences and Gates - A Sunset Book (1951)
- High Fences of Wood - Weyerhaeuser (1958)
- Low Fences of Wood - Weyerhaeuser (1958)
- Glasteel Fiberglass Panels - A Guide for Building with Fiberglass Panels (1967)
- Weyerhaeuser Siding Selector (1956)
- Wood Siding Assures Homes of Beauty - West Coast Lumberman's Assoc. (c.1957)
- Where to Use Western Red Cedar (c.1955)
- Beautiful Homes of Wood - West Coast Lumberman's Assoc. (c.1958)
- New Overlaid Fir Siding (1954)
- Fir Plywood Facts: Douglas Fir Plywood Association (1955)
- PPG Products (1955)
- Information on Super Hardboard (1939)
Fallout Shelter
- Home Protection Exercises (1959)
- Family Shelter Designs - Department of Civil Defense (1962)
- Fallout Protection for Homes with Basements (1966)
- Fallout Protection - What to Know and Do About Nuclear Attack (1961)
- ARMCO Air Raid Shelters (1941)
Geodesic Dome
Architects & Builders
- Twenty Northwest Architects (1962)
- Builders of Washington (c. 1950)
- A Guide to Seattle Architecture: 1850-1953 (1953)
- Today's Better School are built of Wood (c.1955)
- Problems of School Architecture - Proceedings of Cleveland Conference, WSU - 1959
- Flexibility in K-12 Schools: Change is Here to Stay - AIA Journal Nov 1965
Website Links
- WA State Architectural Style Guide
- Recent Past on Washington's Main Street
- Live Better Electrically: The Gold Medallion Home Campaign
- Docomomo_WeWa
- Retro Renovation
- - Exploring Supermarket History
- Rest Area
- Spokane Modernism Tour
- Pleasant Family Shopping
- Mall Hall of Fame
- Imperial 400 Motels - WA State
- US Modernist Architecture Magazine Archive